VEGA test

dr. Fedor Mataić specializes Vega testing and develops since 2001.

Vega testing is a safe, painless, non-invasively and most importantly, accurate way of gathering information about your body, allow us to detects the action of bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, toxins and heavy metals in certain organs, which can cause health problems.

This test also allows us to choose the natural therapy that will be effective. For treatment of certain organs with the help of herbs and dietary supplements It can do much to improve the health, especially for chronic diseases.

ABOUT THE VEGA TEST – The test for autonomous reflexes


Aims of the VEGA Test

Aim of the Vega test is to asses the patient’s health in the way that was impossible by other methods, and to identify the inoffensive and effective therapy.

How was the Vegatest Expert instrument developed?

Test expert plus helps identify the root cause of many illnesses – quickly, effectively and without any side-effects. The compact diagnostic device operates according to the Vegatest method, which has been tested for 30 years, and on the basis of electro acupuncture according to Voll.

Physicians noticed a long time ago that particular body points are less resistant to the passage of electrical current. These points correlate exactly to the acupuncture points. It was noticed later that resistance to electric current changes over time and it depends on the health condition of individual organs. Each body cell and each organ has its own current. This current is in relationship with the biochemical condition of the particular organ or cell. Following these insights, instruments were developed. By measuring the electrical resistance of single points on the skin which are in energetic connection with particular organs, these newly developed instruments could give information about the condition of particular organs.

Research conducted over many years around the world has brought new insights. By perfecting the testing device, the German company Vega developed the instrument called Vegatest Expert 721.  With this instrument it is possible to detect the existence of molecules, toxins, viruses, fungi and bacteria in particular body organs. In addition, it is possible to evaluate the organ’s energy and qualitative condition, and to detect the existence of chronic inflammation and its cause.

Which kind of new insights into human organism were enabled by these instruments?


Modern official western medicine which is spread all over the world has developed on the basis of anatomy, chemistry and controlled research. However, due to the fact that physical processes, electrical currents, magnetic fields, and vibrations precede the biochemical and anatomical changes in the organism, in recent times physics has become more and more intertwined in the medical treatment.


Experience gained through the testing of autonomous reflexes on a large number of patients led to the discovery that many different illnesses which we face on a daily basis have common causes. In the tissues one can often find chemical intoxication, many more viruses, fungi and parasites than before. It has been verified that underground radiation and electromagnetic fields have a negative influence on the human body. Some of those causes were ignored up until now, probably due to the impossibility of practical and efficient identification.


Therefore we can draw the conclusion that in fighting against illnesses we should not immediately try to “kill the illness”, or in other words, to eliminate the symptoms which we consider as illness, but we should first allow the body to start functioning in its’ natural way without disturbance. Actually, many physicians nowadays suspect this, but they are not aware that there are methods which allow us to practically operate in this direction. First we need to remove all internal and external influences which we identify by testing. In other words, to remove the person from harmful radiation – vibrations, to give a person the remedies for strengthening the basic organism constitution, to change the person’s diet, remove fillings from the teeth, clean the mercury sediments and other heavy metals from the organism, clean the poisons from the body – preservatives, insecticides, artificial colors, detergents, artificial fertilizers, viruses, fungi, bacteria, and parasites, to make up a deficit of minerals, vitamins, and microelements, to add natural remedies for psychological stabilization and energetic balancing of organism, to give the remedies for strengthening of particular weakened and sick organs and to strengthen the body’s immune system. In this way we are calming destructive inflammations in the organism. This type of treatment fundamentally changes the health condition of the patient.


Intoxication – poisoning.In the past 50 years mankind has invented millions of new toxic substances that the human body is not adjusted to. Some of those substances are even called medicine. Toxins are entering our body through food – pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, additives, artificial colors, etc., or through beverages, cosmetics, detergents, and through breathing. Symptoms which we can find in many illnesses are very often not illness in the real meaning of this word, but the attempt of the immune system to eliminate toxins from the body through skin, intestines, sweat, breathing, and urine. This is the body’s attempt to “burn” toxins, or to metabolize them in the body, or to surround them by infection-scars, and in this way to isolate them.


In order to really improve the condition of the patient, we shouldn’t use medicine simply to reduce the symptoms. Once we stop using such medicines the symptoms come back again, because the root of the illness has not been removed. We need to use a remedy which will recover the energy of the exhausted organs, help the organs, and directly expel toxic substances from the body. On the other hand, when faced with acute disease, we first have to reach out for drugs which reduce the heavy symptoms.


Everything described above is also valid for allergies. When healing allergies we need to clean the organism, to enable the immune system to work freely, and to identify allergens. Through conducting many tests, I have detected that the presence of allergies and auto-immune infections is greater in bodies with a reduced amount of the hormone cortisone. If the adrenal gland, which produces the cortisone, is sick, we need to find out the cause of the illness and to cure it. In the same manner, allergies are higher when there is an increased quantity of Immunoglobulin E. This I find in cases of inflammation of spleen or lymph nodes.


Silent chronic virus infections-The Vegatest instruments have helped me to discover that there is much bigger number of viruses in the body than was known before. These viruses are not always creating acute symptoms. Many chronic illnesses are the consequence of viruses’ slow but destructive activity, or the body’s attempt to combat the viruses.

The new remedies are created for the battle against viruses. These remedies  make an impact by its energies, thus in a physical and not in chemical way. Many plants possess substances which protect them from attacks by microbes. When we eat those plants, or drink teas made from them we are feeding our body with those substances. With the help of a Vegatest expert, we can identify which plant, remedy or medicine will be effective in fighting the particular microbe, in cleaning the particular toxin, heavy metal etc.

Dysbiosis. Dysbiosis is a term gaining greater importance in recent times. This goes side by side with our new insights into  the role of dysbiosis in the creation of illnesses in our organism. This is the imbalance of bacteria in our intestines – the lack of useful, and presence of harmful, bacteria..


Fungi and spores . Sometimes in our bodies we have the type of fungi which do harm to us. These fungi are not examined through routine medical tests. They expel the good, useful bacteria. They disturb digestion and absorption of nutritious substances. They produce toxins which exhaust the organism, and create silent chronic inflammations. It is necessary to eliminate these fungi. Homeopathic remedies and medicinal plants are used. Commonly used antibiotics most often kill the bacteria but not the fungi. When bacteria are killed, the fungi are freed from competition and can multiply much easier. Drugs used by doctors when dealing with fungi are often hard to tolerate, and therefore prescribed only reluctantly. It is necessary to decrease the quantity of heavy metals in the body, as those metals help the growth of fungi. It is also necessary to decrease the intake of sweet food, starch and dairy products. Patient needs to eat more fruit and vegetables, especially raw.


The influence of electromagnetic fields – Every electrical cable or electrically charged appliance is surrounded by an electromagnetic field. The electromagnetic field passes through matter, for example through a wall, and it influences the living organisms, mostly by disturbing the organisms’ currents. Therefore it is not difficult to see that people, who are exposed to magnetic fields for a long time, can be affected by serious disorders.


The Vegatest instrument measures whether the patient is exposed to electromagnetic fields. If the results are positive, the patient should avoid keeping a mobile phone, lamp, radio, and electric plugs near the bed or close to body. It is not allowed to watch TV from less than 3 meters distance. When working on the computer we should also keep distance from the computer screen as far as it is possible. When consumed, many herbs do heal the organism damages created by the influence of electromagnetic radiation.


Geopathogenic radiation -Official science still cannot measure the radiation that is apparently coming from below the places where there are water currents, from places where there are minerals, from cracks in the earth, etc. Therefore, this radiation can not be considered as scientifically proved. However, for thousands of years people have noticed that staying for a long time in some places damages our health, whilst other places don’t. My daily experience proves it. This Vegatest device tests whether there are any changes in the body that are caused by this type of radiation. If  I identify some changes, I advise the patient to ask a person he trusts to review his sleeping and working place, and, if it is needed,  to change the place where he stays for a long time.


Focal points Focal points are the nodes that send the toxins, wrong vibrations, inappropriate electromagnetic and nervous stimulus to other body parts.


As our body functions in such a way that particular cells and organs are constantly exchanging a huge amount of precise information through electromagnetic and chemical impulses, any interference by wrong or sick impulses can do harm to our body. These impulses can be spread by some accumulation of toxins, the materials that body can’t break down, viruses, bacteria, scar or ill tissue with damaged energy.

Therefore we need to identify and heal, at least, the most important focal points.

Amalgam fillings -For the past decades stomatology has used fillings which consist of heavy metals. Beside other metals, they contain mercury. Today we have discussions on whether the amalgam fillings are harmful for the organism or not. However, the fact is that dental chairs have to have built in filters that are not allowing these substances to spread to environment. Vega testing is discovering the mercury sedimentation in different organs and the role of mercury in causing many diseases.


Many body currents can be measured by ECG, EEG screening, Electromyography, etc. If there are changes in the current, we consider it as an illness. There are also particular currents inside the mouth.  If in the mouth one has lots of metals which are under the influence of a electromagnetic field from the surroundings, we can see the currents which are several times bigger than normal. The size of these currents is easy to measure by Vegatest expert 721. Those currents are flowing through the organism and affect the different organs, disturbing their performance and gradually causing illness.


Physicians, who are aware of the above described facts, are recommending patients to remove amalgam fillings and replace it with non-metal fillings. During this procedure the patient should be careful and try not to breathe in, as light amalgam particles could enter the lungs and could cause even worse intoxication of the body. Arrange with your dentist to drill out the amalgam for ten seconds, while you hold your breath, and when he takes the drill out, you rinse your mouth, and only then you can breathe in. Second, very important note is that you should not remove more than one amalgam filling monthly. However, if during the process of removing and cleaning amalgam fillings, you consume teas which are extracting heavy metals from the body, you can safely remove several metal fillings in a month.


Metals- Many patients have too large an amount of metals in the body. These metals function as toxins which disturb the normal performance of organs and create chronic inflammations which destroy tissue. These metals mostly enter our body through plants which were grown in intoxicated soil. A big cause of metals is also the food which has been cooked in metal dishes in which the food is in direct contact with metal. Therefore it is necessary to use only the pots which are enamel, glassy, or painted inside.


Asbestos- I was surprised to find that a huge percentage of my patients have asbestos in their organism. Asbestos is used in the production of roofing sheets, water pipes, in house building, in car breaks production, etc. There is no convenient test in classic medicine that is used for diagnosing presence of asbestos in organism. Asbestos is diagnosed indirectly through X-ray of the lungs, when those X-ray indicate typical asbestosis damages. However, asbestos can settle down on any body part in any quantity, and can cause chronic problems. It is considered that asbestos can not be extracted from the organism. Vegatest expert uses resonant vibration to find asbestos in the body. I also discovered that many herbs are able to support the process of extracting the asbestos from the body. Even though there is no official method for verifying whether this is true, the patients usually feel much better after the chosen therapy. Therefore I believe it is possible to test and extract the asbestos from the body.


In the past 100 years our nutrition has changed a lot. Besides the fact that nowadays we eat much more food that is poisoned with chemicals, we also eat a much larger amount of meat and sugars than before.


During evolution our organism didn’t have such eating method, and it is not able to digest such food in a satisfactory manner. This type of food also causes too high an amount of acids in our blood. We know that the blood and other tissues do have to have certain level of acidity. If this level is changed, chemical reactions happening in tissues are also disturbed. There are so called 4 white deaths; white sugar, white flour, salt and fat. In order not to cause unsolvable problems to our organism, we should eat a small amount of meat, as little sugar as possible, more vegetables and fruit which is not acidic, especially raw vegetables and fruit. This is basic nutrition which should be adjusted to the specific condition of each patient.


The results of years long research has been published recently. According to this research, the people differ in their enzymatic composition, depending on which blood type they belong to. The particular food suits to people of particular blood type, while some food can make them ill. The most common intolerance is the intolerance to wheat and milk.


Water- The water we drink today is very often treated with chlorine, and has some other impurities. Therefore I recommend drinking bottled water or to buy a water filtering systems. Sparkling water and fizzy drinks are in principle not healthy due to the carbonic acid they contain.


One medicine direction has been undergoing development for a hundred years now. This direction is primarily based on energies existing in a patient, as well as energies stored in drugs.

This direction is called Homeopathy. Homeopathic remedies have proven to be very suitable for healing the functional, energetic disorders.


By using the Vegaexpert device, we can test the reaction to any food, substance or drug. The specific characteristic of homeopathic remedies is that they are inoffensive and don’t interact with other medicines. However, at the beginning of the therapy, the patient might experience worsening of the symptoms.  Most often, this is the sign of the good remedy effects. For example, when we use the remedy which starts cleaning the toxins accumulated in tissues, we can experience temporary worsening of eczema, coughing, or mucus, as this is the way our organism is getting rid of poisons.  If the reaction is strong, we should temporarily reduce the dosage of the remedy, or even to take some of the usual medicine for calming those symptoms. If the reaction is severe, we should stop using complete therapy for a day or two until the symptoms calm down and then start taking it again.  During the usage of homeopathic remedies, the patient sometimes starts feeling symptoms that he used to have earlier. It seems like the illness is travelling the same path as before, but in reverse. These types of symptoms last for a very short time. This is the sign of healing process. During therapy with homeopathic remedies, person should not drink any teas which contain essential oils, chamomile, mint, and should not drink lots of coffee or alcohol.  Patient should drink lots of liquid. The remedies should be kept far from magnetic fields and Earth’s Geopathogenic radiation. Homeopathic remedies are consumed by directly dropping them into the mouth, or drinking with a little bit of water, but these remedies should not get in contact with metal.


The first examination includes diagnostic and therapy advice.  After a month of therapy it is very important to check the new condition of the organism, so the second round of therapy can be directed towards unsolved problems. Very often, after the first rounds of therapy, the condition is still not satisfying.


There could be different reasons for this:


Regardless of these possibilities, it is certain that after a month of therapy, the body definitely contains far less microbes, toxins and inflammations. The therapy should be continued, as the best possible results have still not been achieved.


I wish you improvement and maintenance of your health


dr. med. Fedor Mataić